Browsing tag: java

Who decide your software architecture

Software architect should select proper architecture to develop an software system. For external stakeholders and customers, it is only functional requirement. There are many factors helps to decide the architecture for an application. Let us explore the factors decide the software architecture, Architectural drivers. Architecture requirements are not only functional requirements Architectural drivers are formally

Static code analysis

How to find weakness in your code – Static code analysis

Static program analysis(Static Code Analysis) is the analysis of computer software that is performed without actually executing programs — Wikipedia. This blog, we would discuss on Static Code Analysis. Static code analysis refers to the technique of approximating the runtime behavior of a program. In other words, it is the process of predicting the output

Throwable Error Exception in java jvm

Throwable and Error in Java

  In last discussion, we discussed on Exceptions and handling the exception. Now we would discuss one level up in the exception hierarchy Throwable and Error. Throwable class provides basic implementation for handling serious issue or recoverable issue in the code. All the Throwable and child of Throwable class objects can be thrown and handled

StringBuilder & StringBuffer

Modifiable Strings by StringBuilder & StringBuffer

In previous blog, we discussed on String and string constant pool.  It highlighted the issue in String manipulation and how it fill the pool memory.  We not recommended to use String for temporary string statement formation, logger statement, updatable string values, large file I/O stream of input processing.  We can process these operation using String