Browsing category Java

java static member and static variables

java static variables and static methods

Static members help to write code to support sharing of objects or to create only one instance of class (Singleton pattern) in application. Let us discuss what static member in Java.  Static members are class variables and methods with modifier “static”. Static members are called class variables and class methods. Static members are class level

private public protected in java class modifiers

public private protected access modifier in java

Having the door would not ensure safety for home.  Locking the door is important and ensures the safety of the home. The same analogy applicable for Java object oriented feature as well. Writing a class in java would not provide abstraction and encapsulation. We have to write the code by exposing only the required information

Writing class and objeccts

Writing a class and creating object in Java

A class is a blueprint or a template for creating objects and defines its properties and behaviors. Java class objects exhibit the properties and behaviors defined by its class. A class can contain fields and methods to describe the behavior of an object.A class is a blueprint or a template for creating objects and defines

Java naming convention and naming standards

Java naming conventions

“A name represents identity, a deep feeling, and holds tremendous significance to its owner.” Naming the code artifacts is important in programming coding practices. In Java, we would name the variables, methods, constants, classes and interfaces. We have to follow the standard naming conventions for each pieces. Proper and meaningful names helps others to understand

Eclipse shortcut for java development

Eclipse Shortcut Keys for Smart Developers

Most of the software developer use integrated development environment (IDE) to write code. A Java IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a software application which enables users to more easily write and debug Java programs. Many IDE’s provide features like syntax highlighting and code completion, which help the user to code more easily. More specifically Eclipse

Java Eclipse development framework

Configure Eclipse IDE for Java Development

Developers should use the proper, available smart tools for their development environment for faster development. Eclipse java development environment provides editor to fast development and easy to debug the code. We would discuss the configuration of java eclipse development environment. Java standard edition (SE) is freely available from the link Download Java. You can download


Object Oriented Programming in Java

More number of developers are familiar and expert in procedural languages like C and Visual Basic.  We can develop the software solution by procedural languages, then why it is required to move to object oriented programming (OOPS)? Why OOPS has better industry reception than procedural languages? Finally why Java runs on billions on devices than

Coupling in Software Architetcure

Coupling in Java

“Software application developed in 2 years, but the maintenance for the application spans for 20 years”.  “80% of the software engineers maintain the code already written by someone”. The industry research data shows the importance of writing the code which is easy to manage, simple to understand and allow changing the application for the new

Cohesion in java

Cohesion in Java

“Every software design document highlights that code should be reusable, extensible and robust. It measures the quality of the code. Everyone thinks their code has all the qualities. But we have seen many occurrences same code copied in more than one place. So our code not satisfies this first and foremost quality.   Let us

Java platform independent

Java Platform Independent or Platform Dependent? JDK or JRE?

We have read everywhere it described that java as platform independent. Yes. (Period) It is only platform independent language. The other languages like JavaScript, PHP and Python are considered as platform independent. But those are scripting or interpreting language. Only Java is platform independent high level programming language. Point to note here is JRE gives