Why to Learn Java

Why Java:
It is an excitement to learn new programming language and its technology stack. On top of that, programming a language which controls 30 Billion devices is a thrilled journey. A statistics says Java and ecosystem technologies are used by 10 million developers in the world. Java is dominating the technology space for last 20 years. Java’s popularity with develoers is due to the fact that the language is grounded in readability and simplicity. Java has staying power since it has long-term compatibility, which makes sure older applications continue to work now into the future. It is not going anywhere anytime soon and is used to power company websites like LinkedIn.com, Netflix.com and Amazon.com. Here we start the journey, to share java enterprise architect learning and master together in this long journey. In this journey we would share the best practices in java and coding standards which all java developers should know to reach the Java architect role.
Here we share coding practices, tools is used in java enterprise application, Java EE platform components, Application Servers,EJB,RESTful web services, SOA, DBMS,JPA,Hibernate and Spring . This journey starts with this optimistic list. Our aim towards that sharing the knowledge and wisdom to help the Journey from Java Developer to Java Architect. This is the place we present our learning and share our comments to grow together. Welcome to Java Enterprise Architect Journey Blog!!!
By the technologists prediction, Gartner survey reveals that the future of technology and infrastructure is mostly driven by mobile computing and mobile applications, big data and Hadoop ecosystem, Cloud infrastructure and private cloud. If you want to explore any of these technology, the base starts with Java. Learning java will be first step towards these trends.
Apache Hadoop:
Apache Hadoop is most commonly adopted enterprise solution by big IT giants making it one of the top job trends for 2017. Thus, it is mandatory for intelligent technologists to pick up Hadoop quickly with Hadoop ecosystem getting bigger day by day. The outpouring demand for big data analytics is landing many IT professionals to switch their careers to Big data Hadoop technology. Professionals need to consider the skills before they begin to learn Hadoop. Hadoop is written in Java, thus knowledge of Java basics is essential to learn Hadoop.
Amazon Web Services:
Amazon Web Services holds 40% of market share in cloud space. Java helps us to write amazon cloud native application to communicate with AWS. AmazonEC2 client can be created in java and access the AmazonEC2 service in cloud. Have you tried “Hello World” in Android programming? Try it. It is same as written “Hello World” in java, but the different is you have to place the component in Android panel. Android developers are java developers and they write the java code in android UI components.
Learning Java is not only helpful for Hadoop, cloud and mobile technologies but also for complex software solutions. It is one of the most widely adopted programming language running around 7 billion devices worldwide. It has maintained its top spot consistently as most in-demand programming language for over a decade. I hope all of us know how to write the “Hello World” program in java and development environment is ready to explore the instinct of java and J2EE platforms. Make use of blogs and online videos to configure Java Eclipse development environment.
This is blog is not about learning java or kind of “Hello World” java tutorials. This blog is for after “Hello World”, learning the details of coding practices, Coding standard, design patterns in java enterprise architecture.
Stop Reading!! Start Coding!!!
Before start the blog journey, like to share the road-map and action plan of this journey. The goal is to make measurably one million java developer as “Java Architect” before 2019. 🙂 Each and every week, we would share minimum of 3 blogs. We mark each blog with note of Eureka read, Buddha read and Einstein read.
Eureka read is a 15 minutes tea-break read which share a coding best practices, code standard or short read on development practices.
Buddha read is a 30 minutes read which initiates your thinking on that particular subject or component. It will talk about tools and design pattern implemented in industry.
Einstein read is a 1 hour read and implementation action read. It will talk about the coding and implementation details. Here we should invest one hour time to implement and hands-on with the code.
Do you know that 15 min is 1% of your day; 30 min is 2% of your day and 1 hours is just 4% of your day. Amazing truth!!! Make it happen!! No excuses!