Hi Friend,
Here short intro about me. My name is “Bala G”, shortly “GB”. I have 8 years of industry experience in Java enterprise solution development. I have deep knowledge on Java,JEE, Oracle, Spring, JPA ,JTA ,JMS and Hibernate. Passion on technology and solution for enterprise level solutions. Here I share the best coding practices in java and JEE. It would share the tools and available solution in the industry for building enterprise solutions. Follow the blog to know comprehensive overview of Java enterprise solutions. I am sure that it would give you idea on solutions and tools. The blog not only for Java beginners, it for expert to share their views and their designs. Overall it would give good start for Java Architect journey to Java developer and Java beginners.
The main focus of this blog is discuss on practically implemented design and architecture, not about theory. Every tips and design would be discussed with an example for clear understanding. Here would share the industry approved or appreciated designs for your understanding. I read and refer many books on architecture and design. I share the knowledge to you through blog.
Feel free to keep in touch with me @ bala.javaarchitect@gmail.com
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